"Studio Gangster" - Olive, beloved dingoish dog and companion, in my studio in Somerville, MA in 2010

"Studio Gangster" - Olive, beloved dingoish dog and companion, in my studio in Somerville, MA in 2010





Born - Santa Monica, CA

Grew up - Taipei, Taiwan

Currently Calls Home - Brooklyn, NY and Berlin, Germany

Also lived in - Boston, Amsterdam, St. Louis, etc.

Left a piece of heart in - Santorini, Sicily, East St. Louis, Maine, Yellowstone.



2013, MFA, Fine Art, Parsons the New School

2009, MA, Art History, University of Amsterdam

2005, BFA, Painting, Washington University in St. Louis





In addition to my fine arts practice, I AM ALSO AVAILABLE FOR commercial work, specifically photography, STYLING, and illustration. See EXAMPLES HERE